
Bird Woman

At first, I was inspired to start this project by looking at the women of Iran and their all-too-visible barriers, but the more I delved into this matter, the more questions arose in my mind. I began to see a greater number of invisible ropes that have not only been tied around the women of Iran, but also all women and men around the world. These invisible ropes have taken away the freedom of both people and countries by restricting free movement. Free movement of people, that is the freedom of thought and action, is the deeper definition of freedom, not just the superficial meaning. The invisible, freedom-restricting ropes are called by different names in different countries. In some places they are called “religion”, while in other places they take the name of “tradition”, or “politics”. These ropes even take on different colors, shapes, and smells, but they can be identified by the fact that their appearance makes us forget about the real meaning of freedom.

This collection was featured at ErranT ( Spain), and Illustrade ( Germany)

Short Movie About
"Bird Woman"

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Coloring Pages of (Cooki)

Things are strange right now, but literature and art keep us alive. As you know, ( What a brilliant idea!) was published by Tuti publishing house in 2019. Cooki and I are so lucky to be supported by many children and adults via kind and supportive words through the last months. I created these coloring pages to appreciate that kindness.

Please feel free to download these pages and share them with me to publish them on my social media by your name.

Can’t wait to see your pictures and masks.


What a brilliant idea

The story is about a little boy named ( Cooki) who doesn’t like his ears. He thinks that they are so big. So he decides to cover them with a mask. At first, he is happy with the result, but it causes some problems at school, home and…

This book was written and illustrated by me and published by Tuti publishing house in 2019. It was translated and published in Greek and Spanish in the same year. This book was selected in some illustration festivals and nominated as one of the top 10 best projects in COW illustration festival in 2018 and Little Hakka picture book competition. This book was introduced as one of the best 200 books in the White Ravens list in 2020 by the international children’s books in Germany. 

Technique: Digital painting

lakposhtparandeh award

It was also selected in the list of Lakposhtparande with five out of six signs in 2021.